The Concern Story
In 1968, fifteen Los Angeles based couples came together with one simple goal: CONquer CanCER Now!
They wanted to ensure their dollars counted in the fight against cancer when their dear friend, Beverly Wolman, was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 35. They could no longer sit back and continue losing friends to this horrific disease. Thus, CONCERN Foundation's war on cancer had begun.
What We Do
Though cancer research is a broad field, Concern Foundation focuses its funding in the areas of immunology, immunotherapy, genetics, and cell biology. These are the basic building blocks needed to achieve a better understanding of a cell’s function and mis-function within the human body for both adults and children. By targeting talented post-doctoral scientists and providing crucial salary support for innovative projects, Concern Foundation bridges the gap in the scientific research community. The knowledge gained from these young research scientists will lead to future treatments and early diagnosis, and eventually stop this insidious disease.
To accomplish the organization’s humanitarian mission, Concern Foundation depends on a local, national and international network of donors. There are countless individuals, local businesses and corporations who provide generous support each year. With an administrative overhead of less than 10%, Concern has been able to grant millions of dollars to research projects throughout the cancer research community locally, nationally, and abroad. Thanks to a strong and ever-growing core of multi-generational volunteers, Concern continues to thrive as an independent source of funding cancer research. Additionally, biennial meetings of a peer-to-peer Scientific Review Committee ensures that only the strongest and most promising research is funded.
Concern Foundation’s mission is clear, to ensure that every dollar raised is used to identify the cause of and eventual cure for this devastating disease.