Minnie Riperton
Legacy Fund
Minnie Riperton, was an American singer-songwriter best known for her 1975 #1 single "Lovin' You" who passed away from breast cancer in 1979. Your donations in support of The Minnie Riperton Legacy Fund and Concern Foundation provides essential funding to the early stage of discovery within the laboratory of the most promising cancer immunotherapies for patients.
Wendy’s Warriors
Wendy Otelsberg lost her battle to breast cancer 14 years after being diagnosed. Each year her family mounts a campaign to combat this horrific disease. Help make a difference in their efforts to work towards a cure for not only Breast Cancer, but for all cancers.
Finding Will
When Will passed away from cancer at age 17, his family began to think about a way to honor Will’s spirit. They decided to design candles that would burn as bright as his enduring soul and use his name (WILL) as an affirmation of strength and love. Help support pediatric cancer research by donating to the Finding Will fund.