LOI application is now closed.


LOI online submission deadline:        Opening date: May 5, 2025; closes 11:59pm local time July 25, 2025

Notification of LOI selection:               Mid September 2025 (approximate)

Full proposal submission deadline:    TBD

Notification of awards:                        Late May 2026

Start of funding:                                   July 2026

End of 1st year funding:                       June 30, 2027

End of 2nd year funding:                       June 30, 2028



Grant program questions or for help with the submission process, contact:  

Grants Administrator



All notifications will originate from this email address. Please add to your contact list to avoid important messages from landing in your Spam folder.

Due to the volume of inquiries, please do not call the Concern Foundation for Cancer Research office.



Concern Foundation for Cancer Research is an independent, volunteer-driven organization conceived in 1968 by a group of friends who wanted to make sure their dollars counted in the fight against cancer. 

With an average of 92% or greater of net proceeds going directly to research, Concern Foundation for Cancer Research has raised more than $75 million dollars and funded over 1,000 cancer research scientists studying cancer, primarily in the areas of cancer genetics, cancer cell biology, and cancer immunology.

By specifically targeting promising early-career scientists and providing critically needed “seed” money for innovative projects, Concern Foundation for Cancer Research supports the development of the next generation of cancer researchers and thus promotes progress in understanding cancer biology and improved approaches to cancer.

Concern Foundation for Cancer Research accepts new grant proposals every two years. Application begins with completion of a brief pre-eligibility questionnaire. If eligible, applicants will receive email notification with request to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). Further direction about the LOI submission process will be provided at time of notification. After administrative and scientific review, the most promising LOIs are invited to submit a full proposal. Submitted proposals are peer-reviewed by experienced scientists and top applications are recommended to the Concern Foundation for Cancer Research Executive Board for funding.



Proposal content: Proposals must be hypothesis-driven and centered on cancer genetics, cancer biology, or cancer immunology. Concern Foundation for Cancer Research will not fund clinical trials, cancer epidemiology, or behavioral studies.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants are independent investigators who are at the start of their scientific career (i.e., junior faculty) and are at the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent, with explanation). This means you have been independent in terms of lab space, budget usage, directing your own research, publishing, etc. for between 1 and 7 years. Due to the highly accomplished nature of the junior faculty who typically apply to Concern Foundation for Cancer Research, successful proposals are usually from investigators who have been in their independent position and directing their own research program for more than one year.

A brief letter from the applicant's Department Chair is required and should attest to 1) the applicant's faculty status and duration or start date, 2) the applicant's status as an independent investigator including comment on independence in scientific and fiscal decision making and management in the PI’s group, 3) institutional support in terms of independent laboratory space and startup funds, and 4) percent protected time devoted to research as junior faculty.

Priority will be given to proposals from investigators who are well-regarded by their institution and have yet to obtain significant outside funding for their work. An applicant who is a PI with an existing R01 or equivalent is not eligible. Applicant who is notified prior to the full Concern Foundation for Cancer Research grant submission deadline of a clearly fundable score on an R01 or equivalent grant-in-review where he/she is PI is also not eligible. However, a submitted R01 that has not yet been reviewed at the time of Concern Foundation for Cancer Research grant submission is eligible. If already reviewed but fundability based on its score is not clear-cut during this interim period, contact Concern Foundation for Cancer Research to determine eligibility.

Applicants must list all current and pending support from other funding sources, noting any budgetary or scientific overlap. This includes funding from all years of multi-year grants.  This information will be requested with the initial LOI and will need to be updated with the full grant application.

Concern Foundation for Cancer Research accepts grant applications from institutions in the United States and abroad.  U.S. citizenship is not a requirement.

Applicants at governmental agencies and for-profit institutions are not eligible.

Concern Foundation for Cancer Research does not and shall not discriminate based on race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its grant reviews and funding processes.


The total grant amount for a Conquer Cancer Now Award is $100,000 per year for a maximum of two years. A second year of funding is not guaranteed and is based on evidence of sufficient progress based on the required progress report, availability of funds, and approval of the Concern Foundation for Cancer Research Executive Board. Grants are disbursed in quarterly installments.

A detailed progress report must be submitted at the conclusion of the first year to be eligible for the second year of funding.

At the conclusion of the funding period (and/or 2nd year), a detailed final report must be submitted explaining the results of the investigation funded by Concern Foundation for Cancer Research, including papers published and new grant support obtained based on the Concern Foundation for Cancer Research work. If unexpended funds remain, they must either be returned to Concern Foundation for Cancer Research, or a ‘no cost extension’ with a justification needs to be requested in writing.

Concern Foundation for Cancer Research will not fund overhead costs, indirect costs, or similar fees or charges levied by an institution. Funds are not provided for equipment, administrative support, renovations or travel. All funds are to be distributed only for salaries and supplies/reagents/services directly related to the funded research.

Any publication based on work funded wholly or partially by Concern Foundation for Cancer Research must acknowledge the support and be communicated to the Concern Foundation for Cancer Research office upon its publication. Following completion of the award, awardees are expected to respond to periodic brief inquiries from Concern Foundation for Cancer Research regarding updates on long-term career progress and success.


Conquer Cancer Now Award recipients will be selected based on peer review by Concern Foundation for Cancer Research's Scientific Review Committee. The committee is comprised of a panel of cancer research scientists from institutions in the United States and abroad.

Recommendations will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Focus on the mission of Concern Foundation for Cancer Research to fund the best research in the areas of cancer genetics, cancer biology, and cancer immunology.

  2. Significance and originality of the proposal.

  3. Hypothesis-driven scientific approach based on a strong premise.

  4. Feasibility of the aims of the proposal.

  5. Qualifications of the investigator and their team.

  6. Institutional commitment, scientific research environment, and availability of resources to support the proposed project.

Concern Foundation for Cancer Research does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its grant reviews and funding processes.

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