Concern Foundation Laboratories at Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
In 1969 Concern Foundation funded its first researcher, Dr. David Weiss at Hebrew University, who studied the then novel and new field of Immunology and how the body could be reprogrammed to combat cancer. With the support of Concern Foundation, in 1976 Dr. Weiss established The Lautenberg Center. In 1976 Concern also established a permanent research endowment fund. "Our institution has become internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading cancer immunology research centers thanks to its largest single supporter, Concern. We have created several new permanent positions and now occupy a 10,000 square foot modern laboratory. ~Dr. David Weiss"
Concern Foundation has been proud to support the fine work of hundreds of men and women at the Hebrew University Hadassah Hospital’s Lautenberg Center. In 2018, following 50 years in which the laboratories were spread around campus, including in an old pharmacy building, they moved to a new brand facility. In their new location, the offices of all the PIs are located next to one another, enabling close interactions. They have completely new labs which are modern and fully equipped with state-of-the-art instruments. This move was made possible because of the Concern Foundation and to honor our longstanding commitment the new facility was renamed the Concern Foundation Laboratories at Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research.
In 2021 Concern provided the lead gift to expand the laboratory and enable the recruitment of 3 renowned senior researchers to begin in 2022.
An annual gift from Concern Foundation and a generous grant from the Ahmanson Foundation are the sustaining funding sources for the 14 Principal Investigators, 84 students, 11 laboratory managers, and 3 administrative staff.
Principal Investigators (Current and Emeritus*):
Rami Aqeilan
Michal Baniyash
Zami Ben Sasson*
Yinon Ben Neriah
Michael Berger
Chiam Brautbar*
Yotam Drier
Ruth Gallily*
Eli Kedar*
Moshe Kotler*
Michal Lotem
Ofer Mandelboim
David Naor*
David Nelkin*
Oren Parnas
Eli Pikarsky
Dov Solizeanou
David Weiss*
Dana Wolf
Eitan Yefenof*
The Concern Foundation Laboratories study basic immunology and cancer research, among other fields. The scientific endeavors of the Concern Foundation Laboratories are on the level of basic, fundamental research. Nonetheless, the eventual clinical implications of the studies are seen, and at the appropriate time provide the impetus for subsequent clinical investigations in conjunction with medical units in Israel and abroad.
Although the specific projects of each of the researchers differ quite significantly, the Center strives for a high degree of integration of its efforts. This is accomplished by a framework of constant interactions between the individual research teams including formal seminars, informal discussion groups, periodic research planning and data analysis meetings between different groups, and frequent policy meetings among the faculty members.
The Center stands at the hub of an international network of scientific endeavors. Many of its graduate students and post-doctoral fellows come from abroad. Senior scientists from other institutions are constant visitors at the Center, presenting lectures and participating in its research program for varying periods of time. All of the Center’s scientists are involved in collaborative research efforts with colleagues at Hadassah Medical Center, other hospitals and leading universities and research centers in Israel and of around the world. The Center’s members organize symposia and advanced training courses in Israel and abroad. We would emphasize that such international research connections are vital to the progress of science and medicine. The Center constantly employs these broad connections.