Finding Will

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Finding Will

There is a certain magic to candles. The flicker, the scent, the light penetrate and influence our soul. When our son Will passed away from cancer, we began to think about a way to honor Will’s spirit. We decided to design candles that would burn as bright as his enduring soul and use his name (WILL) as an affirmation of strength and love. To further the connection, the artwork on each box comes from drawings made by Will.

Our scents are inspired by moments and memories.

Our single mission is to inspire, empower and encourage others through the gift of candlelight. Proceeds from each sale help to support children and families struggling with cancer and to help find a cure for cancer. So light a candle with an affirmation of profound significance, and as the light flickers, you can find your WILL.

And we hope you enjoy these candles – not just because of their lovely smell – but because they WILL make you LAUGH, LOVE and if you’re lucky enough, KISS. They WILL bring you comfort and they WILL help you REMEMBER.

We sincerely thank you for all your support and love during impossible times. It is time we give back – by honoring Will and helping to fund cancer research.

We thank you with all our WILL.

Terry Castle, Tom Newell and Kyle Newell
